sâmbătă, 14 februarie 2009

Pyotr - 04

Ok. 13th of February. Pyotr and Zigfried, talking, somewhere in a park.

Will it be... Milka?


... books for young people who want to learn German?

Pyotr: how romantic...

... Deathly Hollows?

Zigfried: how romantic...

... jewelry?

... or maybe this?

Back at home.

14th February. At school


* happy valentine's day :-"

5 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Roger Ebert: Good day to you all... (cough) As you may know, I'm fighting for my life, trying to make it out of old age and near to fatal illness, again... However, here I am reviewing the latest episode of 'Pyotr' and am now sure that I HAVE to catch the upcoming episode as well, this really gives me hope. Today with me is James Berardinelli, a critic who I personally don't appreciate, but think I can condone his nerdy and agonizing behavior at least for Valentine's Day. Good day, James!
James Berardinelli: Hi there, ah, Roger! I am here to, ah, review, ah, the latest Pyotr episode. I personally enjoyed it myself.
Roger Ebert: Well James, at the end of my previous review, I mentioned that I was not very pleased with all the romantic stuff. Still, although this new episode is a February 14 special, I think we get a lot of comedy and new stilistic techniques, rather than that 'I love you, my valentine' cliche. This episode really works for me. I mean we have the shiny picture with the heart, those innovative snapshots of prospective gifts, with a little price tag and of course all the new characters introduced who really make me wonder if the little creator of the show doesn't have a personal professional studio for the production of the series. It's really professional.
James Berardinelli: And I did like the two Orange smily face thingies.
Roger Ebert: Surely! If the creator of the series finds some free space in future scripts to give us a better insight on those two-beloved Orange friends, than I think the show will go on a right direction. Hope she doesn't have any copyright issues though. (coughs and laughs)I was, however, a bit confused about the ending, but I do like unexpected, capricious turn of events. So Thumbs up for me!
James Berardinelli: What I was hoping to get, uh, was not a Valentine special, but a Friday 13 special. You know... with a killer Zigfried, a Jason Vorhees Pyotr, or just a comical nightmare that will influence the next episode.
Roger Ebert: You have some issues, dude! These are small fridge magents, or dolls and you want to make them killers?!
James Berardinelli: No, but I did, uh, want a spoof of those films, 'Friday the 13th' and all that stuff, with the same comedy that Pyotr has to offer. Anyway, I did like this episode, so thumbs up!

Anonim spunea...

wow, tell Pyotr to keep off the pot and stop taking long term vacations, so he won't get eaten by sharks and... whatever

Anonim spunea...

what's pyotr's star sign?

Anonim spunea...

is Pyotr an atheist? and what does he study?

Anonim spunea...

interesant sa faci o asa poveste cu papusi. Bravo