luni, 29 septembrie 2008

48th story - deviant

Titled Beyond Beauty

"Melody kisses beauty,
a lapse of two mysteries;
different tweaks and notes,
ushered from lips, fruity.
Lyrics depend on histories.

Scrambling in your mind,
despite your efforts to sing.
Always a sparkle of new rhyme;
with words passion can't find,
Gorgeous, don't change a thing.

Eyes pooled with blithe,
kaleidoscope- angelic face.
Spellbound by your soul.
Ravishing, radiant and lithe;
not a note I would replace.

Intriguing with splendid wit,
beholder of a golden kiss.
Showering drops of chocolate.
Brighter then a million stars lit;
you submerge me in a pool of bliss.

Forever spoken I could be,
admiring the shells in your sea;
wading through shallows of love.
Whisper something sweet to me,
oh, the romance in me cannot flee."

* very cute! thx my deviant friend :)) >:D<

Un comentariu:

iomis spunea...

have to thank no one .... :)) take whatever you can .... rule over the meare mortals and never admit your mistakes!